Month: November 2023

The Genesis of ‘Fireflies at Dusk’ — now available!


Fireflies at Dusk has the most interesting genesis of any of my books. It was rejected by my future editor back in 2014. I was just starting down the fiction yellow brick road and didn’t realize that the manuscript wasn’t ready. Boy, is that an understatement. But this editor took the time to personalize her rejection, giving me chapter and verse about POV, showing versus telling, etc.

Needless to say, I was impressed, so eight months later, I emailed her again, and started out with ‘You don’t remember me, but I’m working on a western and wondered if anyone at The Wild Rose Press would be interested in seeing it. She said the words I’ll never forget-‘Send it to me when it’s ready’ (bf added). I polished and polished and polished it, and it turned into my first contract (with her, too, of all things!).

When I started Fireflies, I thought I’d be writing about George McClellan, one of the most prominent of Union generals. So I needed a character through whose eyes we could see McClellan, hence Jonathan Gray. As I wrote about Jonathan growing up, he began to push, then shoved, McClellan into the background, which surprised me, something that’s always a treat for a writer.

While Fireflies is set during the Civil War era, it’s not about the war, it’s a coming-of-age tale about the challenges Jonathan faces as he tries to navigate his family’s pacifism, deal with the injustice of slavery, and try to live through the hot cauldron of battles as the Civil War breaks out.


As the Civil War looms, a young Ohio farm boy comes face to face with the injustice of slavery-an evil that tears at his very soul. When Jonathan Gray leaves home, anger causes him to abandon everything he once loved and push away everyone who ever loved him. He joins the Union Army and furious combat strips away his all-too-abundant pride. Worse, he leads men who would just as soon see him dead. If he is to regain his self-respect, he must embark on a gritty struggle to reclaim everything and everyone-including the childhood sweetheart he once held dear.

Book Trailer


Jonathan did indeed remember Barbra. He carried a picture of her in his head from when they were about twelve. She was walking toward him outside school, carrying some books. She wore a light blue top, her dark reddish hair trailing over her shoulders. No more pigtails. The scene was still as vivid today as if it had just happened. As she turned from the drink bowl toward him now, his heart raced.

Mrs. Carson called them over to the picnic table where she and Belinda were settled in. “Barbra Elizabeth, why don’t you and Jonathan come sit with us?”

When dusk crept across the landscape, fireflies appeared as if from nowhere. They filled the air around their table. They were common this time of year but to Barbra they seemed to be putting on a show just for them. Jonathan’s little brother, Peter, spun in the middle of the field, reaching for them. When one got caught in his curly hair, he looked like he had a blinking lantern perched on his head. Belinda called Peter over to the table and made him stand extra still. She worked through his curls, laying them aside so the firefly could find its way out.

Peter stared at it in Belinda’s hands. “Momma, it’s not lighting up anymore!”

“It won’t, Peter, as long as I’m holding it. Fireflies only light when they’re free.” Belinda thrust her hand upward.

The firefly blinked away into the faint evening light. Jonathan couldn’t take his eyes from Barbra’s smile as she followed the firefly, her head tilted slightly. The curve of her neck. A moment he would never forget.

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An interview with author Karina Bartow

 Thanks, Karina Bartow, for being with us today. First, would you tell us a bit about yourself? What area of the country do you live in, do you have a family, pets, etc.

On a professional level, I’ve been writing novels for fifteen years and have been traditionally published five times since 2015. I’m living in my childhood home in northern Ohio and am an auntie or “Nin Nin” to two. I also have a very spoiled and feisty parakeet.

Are you a coffee fiend, or do you have another “addiction” you must have on your desk at all times?

Coffee all the way, specifically iced mochas.

Is your education relevant to your writing, or have you branched off in something entirely different to create? How would you best describe your books?

I didn’t attend college, but I trained to be a bridal consultant back in the day. Deep down, though, I always wanted to write, so I also took some honors writing classes in high school. My bridal consultant course gave me a few good tips about sculpting family drama in my plots!

I’ve written a mix of mysteries and love stories. In all of them, I try to entertain readers as well as make them feel something. I also like to add laughter here and there.

Tell us about your most recent publication.  Accidental Allies is the third installment of the Unde(a)feated Detective Series , which follows deaf detective Minka Avery. In its forerunner, Minka left the police force to be a stay-at-home mom to her daughter, Caela. Accidental Allies jumps ahead about four years, with Caela starting kindergarten. Conveniently, a position for a detective at her former precinct opens up, paving the way for her to return to the career she loves. She doesn’t have a very quiet reunion, however, as the county courthouse is bombed the night before she reports for duty.

What inspired you to write this story? What interesting thing did you learn or research to write it that you didn’t know before?

When I decided to bring Minka back to the police force in Accidental Allies, I wanted her return to be suspenseful, much like her departure was in Husband in Hiding. Thus, I set it around an explosion. You can’t get much more action-packed than that, right? Given the crux of the plot revolves around a bombing, most of my research pertained to that…to my mother’s chagrin! I won’t elaborate on what I learned in doing so, but considering I only have one working hand with very little coordination, everyone can rest assured I won’t be putting my knowledge to use!

What’s your favorite thing about the book featured here today? Any special memories you have in the creation of it?

At its heart, the Unde(a)feated Detective Series is about family, and Accidental Allies stays true to that, with an emphasis on friendship. I really enjoyed paying homage to a few of my cherished friendships. As far as a special memory goes, I was able to scout out the area of Orlando around the courthouse and its surroundings, which was fun. We even ate at the diner I feature, so my research was full-sensory.   

What do you most like about writing? Least like? When did you first know you wanted to be an author?

I love being able to create your own world, and there’s no right or wrong—just room for improvement. The part of the gig I don’t particularly love is marketing and self-promotion because it’s really out of my comfort zone.

I first knew I wanted to be an author when I was nine years old, after my mom took me to meet a children’s book author at our local library. Her passion for writing rubbed off on me, so that became my dream from then on.

Do you belong to any writing groups? Are there any writing websites you find particularly useful?

No, I don’t belong to any per-say, but I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with other authors, such as TG Wolff on her Mysteries to Die For podcast and book series. I also subscribe to Authors online magazine and for new opportunities and helpful tips.   

Is there any special music you like to listen to while writing? How does it inspire you?

I love music, but I can’t write with it on. I like to focus on one thing at a time. However, I was listening to a fairly unknown Daughtry song called “Undefeated” as I mulled over what to name my series, and it hit me—The Unde(a)feated Detective Series!

Do you belong to a critique group? What do you find most valuable about the experience? I’ve always been a bit insecure about my writing, so a critique group terrifies me. My family isn’t even allowed to read my books before they’re published. That said, I’ve entrusted an astute and beloved former teacher of mine to read my work before I submit it to anyone, and her guidance has benefitted me immensely. She even impelled me to write my 2022 love story, Wrong Line, Right Connection.  

To encourage those still on the path, tell us a little about your path to publication. How many books have you published? How many books did you write before selling one? What do you think was the key to selling that first book? 

Husband in Hiding, my debut novel, was the third book I’d written but the first one that I took seriously about publishing. I submitted it to 120 publishers and agents, receiving fifty rejections and the rest going unanswered before I landed an acceptance letter. I think the key was persistence as well as taking into account the few suggestions that were offered to me. In the four books published since then, thankfully, I haven’t racked up rejections like that. I’ve still had to change publishers a couple of times.    

What are you writing now? What’s next for you—will you be making personal appearances anywhere our readers can find you?

 I’m working on another novel in the Unde(a)feated Detective Series, as well as two mini-installments in the form of short stories for TG Wolff’s Mysteries to Die For series.
Anything else you would like to add?

Check out the Accidental Allies book trailer on Youtube!



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Karina Bartow grew up and still lives in Northern Ohio.  Though born with Cerebral Palsy, she’s never allowed her disability to define her.  Rather, she’s used her experiences to breathe life into characters who have physical limitations, but like her, are determined not to let them stand in the way of the life they want.  Her works include Husband in HidingBrother of InterestForgetting My Way Back to You, and Wrong Line, Right Connection.  She may only be able to type with one hand, but she writes with her whole heart!

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Taking that first step


What romantic pairings do you love to read? Straight f/m? Bisexual f/f/m? Lesbian f/f? I’m half of the writing duo Adriana Kraft, and we love writing (and reading) all these pairings. Our newest release is a sapphic short story we wrote for an anthology over a decade ago, then revised and updated to release under our indie imprint. Is it really erotic romance? It’s definitely erotic, featuring one of my favorite f/f scenes as Natalie is caught between her fears and her desires in the middle of the night. Since it’s a short story, I’d call it happy-for-now, with a promising future.

And the inspiration? I love New York City, and we love setting stories there. I especially love it in the winter – Rockefeller center, with its giant tree and all the skaters, Central Park, Fifth Avenue with all the shoppers and window displays. Was I ever snowbound there? No, but I was stranded for two steamy August days during the great East Coast blackout of 2003.

Our conference was just concluding on the NYU campus in Greenwich Village when the power went out. When we left the building across from Washington Square Park, it seemed the entire city was on foot, rumors circulating wildly. Pretty quickly we knew it wasn’t just New York. With 9-11 less than two years behind us, there was speculation about the possibility of terrorism. I can’t remember how quickly that was dispelled with information about failure of the power grid in the heat wave. I do remember that several of us decided to walk the two miles north on Fifth Avenue to our hotel rather than try to board a bus. With no stoplights operating, traffic was basically gridlocked.

Part way back we found a Chinese restaurant with ready-to-go meals they had no way of keeping, and we bought supper, then sat and ate it on the steps of the beautiful beaux arts library at 42nd Street. When we finally reached the hotel, the elevator was out of service, but the staff had set out small candles on every step of the narrow spiral staircase leading up from the lobby, a welcome sight.

So many flights were cancelled that it was clear we wouldn’t get out of the city for a couple days. Some power was restored by the next day, and a friend and I took advantage of the nearby Times Square box office to get last minute discount tickets for two shows. I don’t know what adventures our heroines Natalie and Bridgette might get up to after their bedroom adventure, but I’m sure they’ll find ways to enjoy the city.


Natalie and the much younger Bridgette are real estate agents who’ve often traveled together for business seminars. Now they’re snowbound in New York City in a hotel room with only one bed. Will Natalie dare to make her move?


“Are you ready for me to shut off the TV?”

“Yes. I’ve heard enough chatter by pundits.”

“Me, too.” Natalie hit the off button, set the remote aside, and rolled onto her side to face the wall. The mattress shifted as Bridgette turned to face the opposite wall. “Good night,” Natalie murmured.

“Good night. I’m looking forward to being snowbound with you in New York.”

Closing her eyes, Natalie didn’t respond. She concentrated on breathing in and out. The predicted blizzard was a pleasant surprise that might prove to be the tipping point.

She’d done all she could do. It was up to fate now. She wouldn’t risk being rejected by her younger colleague. They’d traveled together several times representing their firm at realty conferences. She’d been surprised how comfortable they were as  travel companions, respecting each other’s routines. Bridgette chattered too much, but then Bridgette had probably had to adjust to some of Natalie’s idiosyncrasies, too.

Usually they shared a room with two beds. When they’d checked in at the front desk, Natalie had somewhat berated the clerk for their sleeping arrangements—but she was the one who’d explicitly requested one queen bed when making the reservation. She’d also anticipated correctly that given the size of the conference, there’d be no available rooms with two beds.

Natalie wished she could make the next overture, but she couldn’t. Pride intervened. She had no idea whether the twenty-six-year-old lying next to her would be interested in a forty-year-old divorcee who hadn’t been with a woman since college.


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I’m Adriana Kraft, and I write both steamy romantic suspense and smoking hot erotic Romance. My husband – a criminologist – is my partner in crime. We’ve been writing romance together for twenty years and by now have published more than fifty novels and novellas.

Our goal? To write characters you’ll care about, hot sex scenes, and  compelling stories you can’t put down. Our romantic suspense novels deliver one man, one woman, danger, intrigue, and of course lots of steam. Our erotic romance is edgier and nearly always includes ménage or polyamory. As you’ve probably guessed, our romantic pairings include MF, FF, and the ménage arrangements FFM, FMF, MFM, foursomes, and more.

After many years in the upper Midwest struggling with ice-packed driveways and foot-deep snow, we gave my mother’s antiques to the kids, sold our house, and spent a couple years traveling the county in our motor home while working remotely. We especially loved spending several weeks in a region, learning its history and its less popular hidden gems. Santa Fe, Taos, Puget Sound, and the Black Hills were special favorites.

We now live in sunny southern Arizona, where we enjoy hiking, golf, and travel, especially to the many Arizona Native American historical sites. Oh – and if it’s too hot to go outside? We’ll probably hold an impromptu writing retreat. Arizona summers give us lots of opportunities.



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